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WIA's Virtual Space Policy Program

 Join WIA on January 13 for a Virtual
Space Policy Program with Panelists:
Director of International Space Policy, National Space Council
Assistant Director for Space Policy, Office of Science Technology Policy, White House
Director of Space Policy, National Security Council
 Date and Time:
Thursday, January 13, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
During this program, you will hear from top space policy experts, who will provide off-the-record insights into the trends and future forecasts of space policy. Participants of the program will also get to hear a bit about each speaker's personal story about their journey. With each of these remarkable women, whom all come from diverse backgrounds within the industry, this program promises to be a great way to kick off your New Year.
 Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Women in Aerospace (WIA) is dedicated to expanding women's opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community. Our membership ­ women and men ­ shares an interest in a broad spectrum of aerospace issues, including human space flight, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, and the policy issues surrounding these fields. For more information visit:
515 2nd Street NE Washington, DC 20002  P: 202-547-0229  F: 202-547-6348